Going Foreign Episode 2
Episode two of the Going Foreign format sees presenter Hasan Semay closer to home and letting viewers in on the local spots he’s grown up eating at. This episode is confined to only a small portion of London as one episode just couldn’t justify the incredible cultural offerings the whole city has to offer. We will save that for future episodes. Stylistically and editorially though, this is everything Going Foreign has established itself as.
Production Company – Chop House Films Ltd
TALENT – Hasan Semay
DIRECTOR – George Foote
DOP – Tristam Cones
CAMERA OP – Alex Mckenzie
CAM ASSIST – Zac Costa
KIT – S+O Media
EDITOR – Guy Rahamim
MOTION GRAPHICS – Alice & the Ink
AUDIO DESIGN & MIX – House of Noise
ORIGINAL SCORE – Seth David, Marcus Allard & Hugo Chegwin, Zack Marshall
FILM SCAN & PROCESS – Digital Orchard
CREATED BY – George Foote & Hasan Semay